MvA is definitely for the kids.It showcases great animation with a touch of kiddy humor.The movie is about a group of monsters like the 50 ft woman,the missing link and the blob who must fight an invading alien.For me,the film didn't quite reach my expectations.Sure it was fun but the humor wasn't that lasting.It's full of slapstick comedy of movie monsters but at times the comedy was forgetable.And it felt like the movie was short.You never get the feeling that the movie has gone on for an hour.Yet,it is still a recommended movie.You'll enjoy B.O.B. and Insectosaurus.I give it a 6.5 out of 10.
Great post. Did you know the overall ratings by unaided social media for Monsters vs. Aliens are lower than pure aggregated user votes yahoo, rotten tomatoes, IMDB and others?