Bang! Bang! Boo! Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen can be summed up by those words. And the Boo is not a typo. I was really disappointed by the movie. Yes, it brought all the action, explosions and special effects that it was expected to bring. But in all the preparation and planning, they forgot the most important ingredient for a movie, the story. Director Michael Bay brought his A-game for this film but writers Kruger, Kurtzman, and Orci brought the ZZZZZ. I don’t know what happened.Orci and Kurtzman are great writers with Star Trek, the first Transformers and MI: 3 at their belt. But for this movie, they somehow lost their magic touch. The film had a plot similar to cartoon series. It was simple and lack twists and imagination. It was just explosion, running in slow-mo, explosion, short dialogue, explosion, slow-mo, laughter, explosion and a lot of noise.The movie had a lot of errors and plot holes. An example would be the huge Decepticon Devastator which is made up of 5 robots. Three of them being a huge dump truck, a bulldozer and a cement mixer. While Devastator transforms in one scene, three of his parts are in another scene fighting the Autobots and the Nest team. Story detail was not given much attention in this movie. I think they started with the drawing sequences and fight scenes then just tried to fit a plot in all that fuss. Another thing that got me wondering is that there were two parts of the Allspark that remained after it was destroyed. One was used to revive Megatron. Why did Sam have to go through all the trouble of locating the Matrix of Leadership to revive Optimus Prime when he could have easily brought him back with the piece he had. If it made a huge plane like Jetfire come back to life, it would have easily brought back a 10 ton truck. Errors in geography and facts, the list goes on.The movie is just a two and a half hour of metal on metal bumps and a lot of noise. A lot of robots with short dialogues. The human characters were not given the opportunity to show what they could really do. They only served as backups to the bots. At first I was excited to see the fight scenes but ended up feeling sleepy. There was nothing new to see. The movie did have a lot of laughs and funny scenes but nothing was memorable.Michael bay and company really know how to make a summer blockbuster. A movie of action, noise, effects, noise, nonsense characters, and more noise. But forget to put a very good story or side story. I guess that’s how you make the big bucks. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen would probably go down as the most successful worst film. That’s just my opinion.When word came out that T2 was in production, I was really excited. Waiting to catch a glimpse at the first trailer and seeing the new characters. And then I saw the film. I can say that it really, really, really, really disappointed me. It didn’t live up to the hype it created and to its predecessor. It’s a short story told at a long time span with a lot of explosions and loud noise. I give it 3 out of 10.